Investing in Albania

The year 2021 brings extensive changes in the areas of taxes, fees and social contributions in the CEE/SEE region, also for Albania.

Overview of the Albanian tax system

TPA offers an overview of the most important innovations for Albania to help you to make the right investments. The TPA ‘Investing in Central and South Eastern Europe’ series gives you an overview of the Albanian business environment and the most important new developments.

Current Taxes, Dues and social contrubutions in Albania

  • Different types of business organisations, and their most important key feature
  • Key details of corporate and personal income tax and VAT of Albania
  • Current tax allowances, reliefs and concessions
  • Core provisions of double taxation agreements

For more detailed questions contact our TPA tax experts in Albania.

Order our tax publication ‘Investing in Albania’ without charge online:

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Investing in Albania


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